


17 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Ford Breaks From Trump Promise Abruptly, Makes Announcement To Side With Mexico

Mark Fields has stabbed the American worker in the back by lying to Donald Trump about his plans to flee our jobs to Mexico.
It has been long known and even pointed by the Washington Post in 1998 that the Ford Motor Company had direct ties and gave actual support to the rising NAZI Party.  Now those who simply do not want to believe that an American icon knowingly did this simply argue that the whole WORLD was fooled by Hitler, so it can be forgiven then. This would be very true if Ford had not lied and said that they never had any ties to the NAZI’s or that they ever profited from the NAZI’s when it was shown that they had.
The point is that most of America now thinks of Ford as one of the three great American automotive companies, a company that even the most diehard Trump supporters want to succeed for the good of the economy.  However, Ford is proving once again that they are not a friend of the American worker today any more than they were the friend of the American soldier who was being shot at by ‘blitzkrieg-ing’ German Ford tanks in World War Two.

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