


21 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Sanctuary City Just Humiliated, Democrats Ask For Forgiveness As Federal Funding Reallocated


Miami-Dade County will finally be following the law
As President Trump won the election and took office, sanctuary cities around the country strengthened their resolve. They spoke publically and often about how they would protect illegal immigrants no matter what Trump threatened.
They may have truly expected Hillary to lie or cheat her way into office somehow. Their unthinkable happened though; Donald Trump took his oath and became our next President. Some of the cities still vowed to guard illegals, their cries sounding a little weaker as they realized that Trump was here to stay.
A few short days after he officially became President, the order was signed. The Executive Order not only pledged to build the long promised wall between Mexico and the U.S, it also set forth plans to strip federal funding from cities that continued to harbor illegals.
His plans, all of them, raised a lot of tempers. Liberals and immigration advocates called it a disgrace, saying that President Trump was jeopardizing millions of lives.
The White House responded predictably, Sean Spicer saying,
“The American people are no longer going to have to be forced to subsidize this disregard for our laws.”
The number of federal requests denied by cities

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